I have created a View with several Input Fields.Now i wanted to give the User the ability to clear his input on click of button for example say RESET button.
We can simply do this task by using code wizard
Example :
I have a MAIN view with Login and Password I/O fields(LOGIN and PASSWORD fields are attributes of LOGIN Node present in MAIN View) .Now on click of RESET button values present in Login and Password I/O fields need to get clear.
In ON-ACTION method of RESET button do as follows.
Click on Code Wizard Icon. Then you will get one popup screen where you will have options like Read,Set,Append etc..
Select SET Radio Button then Click on Context Button... Select the Context Node LOGIN.
Now Check the functionality.
Note : Clearing the values are nothing but making the values as null(Blank).The importance of SET in the code wizard is , it will set the values for the context node.Here i have selected the LOGIN context node to set the values which is mapped to Login and Password fields.