Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year - 2017

Bill Gates
1.Don't Compare yourself with anyone in this World. If YOU do so , you are insulting yourself.

2.If you BORN poor it's not your mistake , If you DIE poor it's your mistake.

3.When you have MONEY in hand only you forget who  are you , BUT when you don't have any money in your hand , the whole world forget who you are. IT'S LIFE!...

Abdul Kalam

1.Success is when your 'SIGNATURE' changes to 'AUTOGRAPH'.

2.Man need his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy SUCCESS.

3.DREAM is not that which you see while SLEEPING, it is something that does not let you SLEEP.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome and inspirational comments ..Looking for more posts ... Happy New year
