What is BADI?
badi : Business add-ins are enhancements to the standard version of the SAP system. They can be inserted into the SAP System to accommodate user requirements too specific to be included in the standard delivery. Since specific industries often require special functions, SAP allows you to predefine these points in your software.
You can differentiate between single-use and multiple use Business Add-Ins. The distinction is based on the procedure or event character of an enhancement. In the first case, the program waits for the enhancement to return something, usually a return code. A typical example could be a benefit calculation in HR. Depending on the implementation, alternative calculations can be executed. With multiple use add-ins, an event that may be of interest to other components is processed in program flow. Any number of components could use this event as a “hook” to hang their own additional actions on to.
In addition to importing parameters, you can also use changing parameters for multiple-use Business Add-Ins. There is no sequence control for multiple-use implementations of BadIs. Therefore, using changing parameters can cause problems. There is no guarantee that implementations will not overwrite the results of previous implementations. Sequence control is technically impossible, since at the time of the definition the interface does not know which implementations there will be and which parameters will be changed by implementations. It is not possible to have a decision as to which implementation should be executed before which other (future) implementation.
Example related to SAP BADI
To validate the roles during change or create of user master data in SU01, BADI à
BADI_IDENTITY_CHECK can be implemented. Importing Parameter IO_BADI_MSG_BUFFER can be usedto add the error message and this error message will be displayed during save. We can display pop to the
user asking to enter the comments in case of any conflicts in the user roles.
Enhancement spot SUID_IDENTITY
GoTo SE19.
Enter enhancement spot
click on create impl.
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