Scenario : As per the requirement we need to display SAP ALV standard tool bar export button text as 'SAVE EXCEL' .By default the button text is 'Export'.
Solution :
All ALV standard toolbar buttons (Function Codes ) are available in SAP standard internal table
here e_object is the one of the importing parameter of ALV TOOLBAR Event ( Toolbar Event : where we add customizing buttons to the ALV standard toolbar using the same internal table).
Customizing the standard text display :
In side the ALV Toolbar event handler , write the below mentioned piece of code .
LOOP AT e_object->mt_toolbar ASSIGNG <fieldsymbol>.
IF <fieldsymbol>-function EQ '&MB_EXPORT' . " (&MB_EXPORT is the FCODE of export button)
<fieldsymbol>-text = 'SAVE EXCEL' . "User's customizing text
Solution :
All ALV standard toolbar buttons (Function Codes ) are available in SAP standard internal table
here e_object is the one of the importing parameter of ALV TOOLBAR Event ( Toolbar Event : where we add customizing buttons to the ALV standard toolbar using the same internal table).
Customizing the standard text display :
In side the ALV Toolbar event handler , write the below mentioned piece of code .
LOOP AT e_object->mt_toolbar ASSIGNG <fieldsymbol>.
IF <fieldsymbol>-function EQ '&MB_EXPORT' . " (&MB_EXPORT is the FCODE of export button)
<fieldsymbol>-text = 'SAVE EXCEL' . "User's customizing text